Monday, July 30, 2007

Two Blogs In One Day? Go Me!

I am catching on to the blogging world! I am ready for fantastic giveaways. I didn't know they do that in the blogging world (smacking head on my desk)...........

Last thing I won........a stuffed unicorn at my summer camp after 3rd grade. I am due for another win don't you think?!?!??

Ok so I found this cool giveway for a 37 inch flat panelLCD HDTV. Thank you for introducing me to the "contest" world! She sent me to a contest from 5 minutes from mom....... http:// so I want to thank her too! And let's not forget for hosting this great contest!!!!

Ok so i am new and do I make my links look pretty like everyone else's????? hmmmmm teach a sista!


  1. Hmm...I don't have blogger so I'm not sure. I'll check with Steph at Adventures in baby wearing and let you know.

  2. Hey- I'd be glad to help! When you are composing your post, highlight the words you'd like to be linked and then click on the hyperlink symbol (looks like a globe with a chain) and then enter the url that you want to link there! Hope this helps!

