Thursday, September 6, 2007

Two Blogs in One Day - Not a good thing

I've worked in my company for 9 years (this month). I never thought I could feel the pain of a death of a co-worker. You don't realize how close you grow to someone until they are gone.

A co-worker (whose name I won't release.....I am HR after all) had kidney cancer several years ago. He never told anyone but HR (for paperwork reasons). He went through remission and things were going great. The cancer came back and he passed away a couple of hours ago.

I cry for the loss of him, as well as our company. He's been a statue in this company for over 20 years. How do people just pick up and do their job as if he was never there?

Then I began to reflect on his days alive. He never married. He never had any children. The only person by his side at the time of his death was another co-worker of ours.

He had so much, but he had so little too. Please just pray for this man up in heaven and for those he left behind.

A horrible, horrible day it has become. Times like this I want nothing more to just be at home and tucked away under the covers (like I used to as a child) where nothing can harm me.


Anonymous said...

OH- that just sucks. Sorry you lost a friend.

Mimi's Toes said...

It really makes you appreciate your child and loved ones around you and of course your friends. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and co-worker.

Crooked Eyebrow said...

Oh I'm so sorry. It is hard to see life go on without someone.I hope you're ok...

Simplymoi said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's hard to watch life go on around you when it has stopped for someone else. Be glad that even though you feel his loss, he is out of pain and starting a new and better life. My prayers for you and your co-workers as you recover from this loss.

Amy Plumb said...

sorry to hear this, I'll you in thoughts and prayers.

Ann(ie) said...

What a sad day, love. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost a close friend to pancreatic cancer a few years was a dark time, he was so very young. Thinking of you. xo.