Friday, November 9, 2007

I quit! I finally quit!

Ok, so we all know I got accepted to Nursing School. So I need to quit my big, glorious, data entry job of 9 years. It's bittersweet, you know? I LOVE some of the people I work with. But, I might hang myself if I have to handle one more worker's comp claim or listen to another whining mother about how she didn't get her $3,000 child support check in 10 days like she expected. Whatever lady. You forget you are talking to a woman that has NEVER seen a child support check. I don't care about you and your problems.

Where was I? Oh yes.....back to quitting. I finally told the Hitler Boss that I am quitting. Wow, I sure do have some nerve today! We were in the middle of a meeting and she ends it saying, "Do either of you have anything you would like to add?" And it just fell out of my mouth. I was possessed. I have out of body experience and I say, "I do. I am leaving the company in January." Woah? Who said that? And why was there no warning?

So Hitler Boss finally tells me how excited she is in her most fake voice ever. Inside, I know she is screaming. Um, she almost hugged me. I was going to freak out if she gave me the hug. And then she says, "We are going to have to throw you a going away party. This is exciting news!"

As I was walking out, I offered to help her find my replacement or train someone. She looks right at me and says, "Oh I don't think that would be necessary. I think if you just give me and Jackie the run down, we should learn it easily." Ok, you've been here for 5 months and I've been here 9 years. Think my job is just SO EASY to do? Ha! Just for that I am going to password protect all my files the day I leave. Good luck Hitler.


Crooked Eyebrow said...

What an "itch".

You are moving up! Don't waste any of your precious energy on worrying about her!

I'm very proud of you! School in January, are you ready?

chrissy said...

I agree with CE don't waste your energy! You have plenty more to be concerned with and put your energy into that and into the excitement of your upcoming classes! I am very proud of you! Everything you have overcome and continue to overcome! You are truly an amazing young woman!!

Anonymous said...

I raise my glass to you and your new start in life!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new start! how exciting!

Ann(ie) said...

What a B. I cannot stand women like that. BUT, YAAAAAYEEEE...moving on up to bigger and happy for you!!!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Congrats to you!!


Amy Plumb said...

Way to go! Like Crooked Eyebrow said don't waste your energy on her or that place you are moving on to a better place.

Mimi's Toes said...

Wow...good for you. Let them throw you a going away deserve it! At the party, pour skinny and sweet in Hitler's drink. In case you don't know what skinny and sweet is, did you watch the movie Nine to 5? I'm usually not out for revenge, just wanted to add a little humor...
I just hope when you become a nurse that Hitler doesn't have to meet up with you in the doctor's office or hospital and you have to start her I.V.....LOL...I'm on a roll.